Have you got Exaggerated Small Difference Syndrome (ESDS)?

Don’t be surprised if you have because it is common in western societies. It can occur in childhood but is most commonly first seen in the teenage years before peeking during middle-age.

Exaggerated Small Difference Syndrome is the tendency for men (and it is nearly always men) to exaggerate small differences and wilfully pay a disproportionally large amount for a consumer durable in order to obtain some perceived improvement. 

You will see symptoms of this in many areas of life and in some it is endemic. It is important to be aware of the symptoms and have yourself checked regularly. Consider asking your partner if they have noticed any signs. Some things to look out for are

  • Cyclists willing to pay 4x the price for a 10% reduction in the weight of the bike. This ignores the fact that often the aim here is to get fit and a lighter bike runs counter to this. The weight saving amounts to no more that the cup of tea you had before you jumped on the bike, or the water bottle you strapped to it.
  • Car buyers choosing the expensive optional larger wheel size because it ‘will improve the handling‘. In reality they would not be able to tell the difference in a blind test (although a blind test would not be a good idea in this particular case).
  • Professional writers buying top of the range laptops and other IT equipment because they will ‘get more work done’. They only ever use Microsoft Office and surf the net. 

Left untreated Exaggerated Small Difference Syndrome can lead to Gear Acquisition Syndrome (GAS). Complications can include severe financial hardship and environmental damage. Signs that things have gone this far are

  • Buying expensive gym equipment like Step Machines and Running Treadmills for the home in the belief it will get you fit. In reality you just needed to buy a skipping rope. And use it. 

The Bullmeister

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